Why Do I Get Pelvic/Pelvis Pain?

The reason behind pain near pelvis/pelvic is different for different people. Here are 5 Types Of Pelvis/Pelvic Pain that you should be aware of:

1. Pain during sex

There are a variety of things that can cause pain near pelvis during sex such as infections, vaginal dryness, muscle spasm.

The Solution: Vaginal lubricants and pelvis floor exercises/Kegel exercises can go a long way in the alleviation of symptoms.

2. Pain while passing urine.

Commonest cause is urinary tract infection, but renal stones, Interstitial cystitis, or painful bladder syndrome, often presents as a UTI.

The Solution: See a gynaecologist, do a urinalysis and culture and then take treatment as required.

3. Pain during bowel movements

Haemorrhoids also commonly known as piles, and fissures are common problems. They are more common in pregnancy as constipation is a precipitating factor.

The Solution: Stool softeners and increased fibre in the diet are the only solutions during pregnancy. Definitive treatment can only be done after delivery

4. Pain during periods

Cramps that usually start with the period and settle in 1 to 2 days when the flow starts. These are common and physiological.

The Solution: Hot water fomentation, exercises, and safe pain killers such as mefenamic acid are effective in management.

5. Severe abdominal pain associated with pain during sex and pain during bowel movement and /or irregular bleeding

Endometriosis is an important cause of this kind of pain. It can lead to poor quality of life.

The solution: There is a wide range of treatment options. Medical management to conservative surgery or radical surgery is offered depending on patients age, degree of symptoms, and fertility requirements.

You should identify the cause of your pain before treating it. In case you are unsure about the cause, please make an appointment with Dr Sangeeta Agrawal and she will help you understand the reasons behind the pelvis pain and the possible treatment options.