My Baby is Too Big

Caring for You, Always

My baby is too big …what does this mean?

A baby is said to be big when the weight of the baby is more than 8 pounds / 4000 gms. In this case, the fetus is said to have macrosomia. All women would like to have a chubby healthy baby but a baby with macrosomia is not necessarily healthy.

There are various risks for the mother and the baby when the fetus is more than 4000gms and even more when mare than 4500gms.

  1. Fundal height measurements may give a clue to the doctor that the baby is big. The fundal height can be more even when there is too much amniotic fluid. And excess amniotic fluid in itself can be a clue that the baby is too big.
  2. Ultrasound measurements of the foetus is the commonest method used to identify the big baby. The head circumference (HC), biparietal diameter, and abdominal circumference (AC) are used in the calculation of the weight of the foetus. The HC /AC ratio is used to define the size of the baby.
Causes for a Big Baby
1. For the mother
2. For the baby

It is not always under our control to manage the weight of the baby. But the patient can take a few steps to have a healthy pregnancy

1. For the mother
2. For the baby

It is not always under our control to manage the weight of the baby. But the patient can take a few steps to have a healthy pregnancy

Management If your Baby is Big

The first important step is to recognize that the baby is big.  In the case of vaginal delivery, one must be aware that a few precautions need to be taken for safe delivery. Eg gives a timely and adequate episiotomy, be prepared for instrumental delivery, arrange for epidural analgesia, ensure the presence of a neonatologist, recognize the obstructed labour, and do a timely caesarean section.

Manage your pregnancy with Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal, Write to us for an appointment.