Premarital CheckUp

A premarital checkup is a subject that is often neglected. However, it is an important topic which can play a big role in your happily married life. Here are a few points to understand why you should undergo premarital checkup:

Why do we need a premarital checkup?

Marriage requires long term commitment. With commitment comes responsibilities, differences, and conflicts. Couples need to be able to have skills to identify, discuss and resolve issues that they can expect to come up. They need to be able to communicate effectively and get the chance to explore topics they might otherwise find difficult to discuss.

Your attention is required on below subjects before marriage:

One of the important areas of discussion is Sexual and Reproductive health.

Sex is a significant part of marriage. It is advisable to have an open discussion on needs, desires, and expectations regarding sex. It might be uncomfortable, but it is not difficult and is beneficial in the long run.

When to have kids, how many kids and such related issues can be discussed to know each other views and preferences.

An important area of discussion is the use of contraception. The couple should have a detailed discussion. The topics to be discussed are options available on birth control pills, barrier methods, Injection, implants, intrauterine devices, natural methods, and permanent methods. After understanding the risk and the benefits should choose a method that is most acceptable and appropriate for them.

A premarital checkup helps the couple to identify any genetically transmissible or Sexually transmitted diseases.

What does pre-marital screening detect?

Pre-marital screening tests help detect dormant illnesses and risks for their future children. It also helps them to take essential precautions or treatments.

When to do pre-marital checkup?

The screening tests can be done 6 months in advance or as and when the decision to marry is taken.

What do pre-marital checkups include?

  • Screening is done for STDs, (HIV, HEPATITIS B, And C, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Herpes) and Inherited diseases like Thalassemia and sickle cell are commonly tested.
  • Routine tests for haemoglobin, blood group, vitamin and mineral deficiency, thyroid and sugars can also be done as a part of the general health check.
  • Preventive measures can be started even prior to marriage in case required, such as vaccinations for Rubella, Hepatitis B and Folic acid supplementation in case they plan to have a baby soon.

It is advisable to seek premarital counselling and check-up to help yourself to be better prepared for this big journey of your life.

Premarital Gynec Check