Pregnancy Skin Care

Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in the body. Pregnancy Skin Care is one such topic that needs our attention.

The nausea vomiting heartburn flatus and constipation are unpleasant and unwanted, but pregnancy skin glow is welcome.

What Brings In Pregnancy Glow?

Various factors bring about the glow of pregnancy.

  • The pregnancy hormones bring about some changes in the skin. There is an increase in the production of oil. This can give the shine on the face. If there is too much oil, then sometimes it can result in acne.
  • In pregnancy, there is increased blood flow to the skin. This also contributes to the glow.

Skin Problems During Pregnancy

There are some not so welcome changes too.

  • Some parts of the body get darker too.
  • The stripe of skin above and below the belly button (linea nigra) and the nipples become dark.
  • Pre-existing moles and eczema may get worse.
  • Some women develop a darkening of the skin of the face called melasma. It’s caused by hormones combined with sun exposure. Melasma and all other darkenings may fade in 3 to 6 months after pregnancy, but patches can reappear when exposed to the sun.

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Most of the women face stretch marks during their pregnancy. This usually happens during the sixth or seventh month of the pregnancy. They occur when the skin stretches as a result of pregnancy weight gain to accommodate the growing baby and uterus.

Read More About Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Skin Care During Pregnancy

  • Use the right skin products. Avoid changing brands in pregnancy. Continue with those that your skin is already accustomed to.
  • Use mild fragrance-free oil-free products for the face and body (especially cleansers and moisturizers).
  • Wear a hat and sunscreen when out in the sun.
  • Most prescription medicines for acne are harmful to the fetus therefore avoid or use only after approval from the doctor.
  • It is said to make hay while the sun shines, enjoy the glow while it lasts.

Facing any issue with your skin, make an appointment with Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal