What Is The Benefit Of A Gynec Check Before Marriage

Marriage is a big step in life and a lot will happen in every arena of life. It is advisable to be well informed as that helps in being well prepared for the changes. So is the situation with reproductive and sexual health. It is advisable to have a discussion with a gynaecologist and know the benefit of a gynec check before marriage.

  • Sex for the first time: It may be painful and yes, it is possible that one will bleed a bit after the first time. Usually, the bleeding is just a few drops and for a few minutes and settles. It may be followed by a brown discharge on the next day. This is normal and happens due to the tear of the hymen. But it is not essential to bleed at the time of first sex. It is normal even if there is no bleeding. The hymen could have torn earlier due to sports and strenuous activity or simply due to the use of tampons.
  • Sexually transmitted infections: It is advisable for both partners to talk about premarital sex if any and then get a check for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Management of periods: Sometimes the periods will clash with the dates of the wedding and/or the honeymoon. It is advisable to approach the gynaecologist a few cycles in advance and with the help of hormonal tablets, it is possible to readjust the dates of the periods so that they do not clash with the rituals and the honeymoon.
  • Urinary infection. It is not uncommon for women to get a urinary infection just after marriage. It is due to the onset of sexual activity. The gynaecologist can educate you on recognizing the symptoms, taking preventive measures and using over the counter medicines in case required. Sometimes they can help with a prescription in advance when you are travelling on the honeymoon and it may not be possible to get to a doctor.
  • Birth control measures: This is an invaluable discussion. There are various choices available such as condoms, tablets, ring, injections, implants, and intrauterine devices. Both partners can have a frank discussion about their plans for pregnancy and then discuss with the gynaecologist and select a method that meets their needs.
  • Sex during periods: This is a matter of personal choice. It can be a bit inconvenient and messy. It protects from pregnancy, but it can be a trigger for pelvic infections. So indulge only after understanding the pros and cons.

These are a few areas where discussion with the gynaecologist can help one make healthy appropriate choices and prepare one for this big journey called marriage.

Should I get any tests like pap smear is done?
It’s a must to get these tests done.

What if I want to get an abortion? What is the process?
If the pregnancy is unplanned and unwanted, and you wish to terminate, you can opt for an abortion in India – it is legal. You need to consult with a gynec and ensure it is done safely without damaging your body. Medical abortion is easy, safe and quick. It can be done either orally (through medicines) or surgically. It is also not an expensive process. You must NOT opt for home remedies or home methods of abortion as they can be harmful and unsafe.

What if I want to get pregnant? What is the process?
Well, you got to have sexual intercourse. This means penetrative, vaginal sex (not oral sex or any other kind) You cannot get pregnant from simply being sexually intimate. The penis must penetrate the vagina and the semen is to be deposited inside. You must not be on any birth control/not use a condom in that case. There are certain days in the month when you are ‘ovulating’ To determine these, speak to your gynaecologist/track your menstrual cycle using an app. On these days in the month, you are most likely to get pregnant since the egg has been released so it’s good to schedule sexual intercourse with your husband on those days. Keeping healthy, exercising, having vitamin-rich foods etc is also really important if you and your husband are trying.

These are the reasons how you get the benefit of a gynec check before marriage.