Abortion With Tablets

Caring for You, Always

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In present times, with easy access to information and home pregnancy test kits, women are able to confirm that they are pregnant or not, quite early, almost within a few days of missing the period. Some may need to have an abortion for various reasons, commonest being that they are not yet prepared to have a baby or, failure of contraception. Abortion with tablets is popular as it provides the woman with privacy and does not need any admission, hospitalization and anesthesia.

If the pregnancy is less than 7 weeks, then it is possible to terminate it with tablets.  There are two sets of tablets to be taken. The first pill is mifepristone. It blocks the action of certain hormones that are important for the pregnancy. After 48 hours the second set of tablets i.e. misoprostal is given. These start of uterine cramping and bleeding. One may also have nausea, vomiting and a few loose motions. The products of conception pass out in the bleeding over the next few days. This bleeding can be heavy with clots. One could have bleeding for about 7 to 10 days.

The pills are quite safe and effective. A check up can be done in about 10 days to ensure that all has gone well. In 2 weeks time it is advisable to do a sonography to confirm that there are no retained products. In about 3 weeks one can do a home or blood pregnancy test to confirm that the procedure is complete. One would have the next normal period in about 4-5 weeks.

It is important to confirm that the process is complete as it is not advisable to continue the pregnancy in case the tablets do not work. The tablets have the potential to cause serious birth defects in case the pregnancy continues.   If there are significant retained products then one would need to do a surgical procedure to remove them.

It is important to avoid sex in the first week after abortion as one can get pregnant again. Further one must address the issue of contraception and accept a method that is acceptable to both partners.

If you are pregnant and you do not wish to continue the pregnancy and if you are less than 7 weeks then make an appointment with Dr Sangeeta Agrawal today so that we can help you terminate it with tablets.

In the clinic we will take a detailed history, advise you some basic blood tests (CBC, BLOOD GROUP, URINE ROUTINE) and will do a sonography to confirm the size of the pregnancy. Then once you agree we need a formal written consent and then we can give you the tablets with written instructions.

The abortion tablets cannot be given to women if they:

After the abortion one could have various emotional feelings such as guilt, regret, and sadness. We try to give you non judgmental emotional support in a confidential environment. We also emphasize the need to use contraceptives so that whenever you are pregnant it is a wanted pregnancy.

Please note we do not do sex determination and female foeticide. We follow the PCPNDT act strictly.