Alcohol And Pregnancy

Caring for You, Always


Alcohol consumption is common in women. But when you are planning a pregnancy and when you are pregnant you need to make healthy decisions so that you have a healthy baby.

A commonly asked question is – is it okay to have one drink once in a while? Well there is no correct answer as we do not know the effects of small amount of alcohol on the fetus. Large amounts surely harm the fetus. One to two units, once or twice a week may not be harmful.

Abstinence is strongly recommended in pregnancy and during lactation.

If you are planning a pregnancy then it is advisable to stop drinking. If you were drinking and now realize you are pregnant then it is not too late to stop immediately.

It does not matter which type of drink you take, wine, whisky, beer or vodka. It is the quantity, the strength of alcohol and the frequency of consumption that matters. Alcohol is measured in units. One unit of alcohol is equal to half pint of beer, one glass of wine and single shot of vodka / rum / gin. When one consumes 5 or more units of alcohol on a single occasion then it is called binge drinking.

Alcohol can have serious and permanent consequences on the health of the baby. There is scientific proof that alcohol can lead to developmental abnormalities in the baby. The fetus when exposed to alcohol in the womb may have growth restriction, facial abnormalities and central nervous system dysfunction (permanent brain damage). After birth the child may have physical, psychological and behavioral problems, learning difficulties, and low academic achievements.

Alcohol freely distributes into milk and will pass on to the baby. Small amounts occasionally may not be harmful but frequent and excess alcohol will do harm. It is advisable to avoid breast feeding for 2-3 hours after a drink to reduce the amount transferred to the baby. 

Alcohol exposure may make the baby excessively drowsy and may affect the sensory and motor responses.
We suggest you make healthy choices for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

Dr Sangeeta Agrawal is available to help you make those choices and have a healthy pregnancy.