Bleeding and Pregnancy

Caring for You, Always


Bleeding in pregnancy, whether spotting, light, or heavy at any time and any amount is of concern and needs medical attention.

Vaginal bleeding during the first three months of pregnancy is a common problem. It may vary from light spotting to heavy bleeding with clots.

Reasons for vaginal bleeding during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (the last 6 months of a 9-month pregnancy) are different from bleeding in the first three months of the pregnancy.

Any bleeding during the second and third trimesters is a serious concern.

Bleeding In Pregnancy: Causes During First Trimester of Pregnancy

Secondary amenorrhea may happen in case of
Bleeding After Sexual Intercourse
Threatened Miscarriage
Completed Miscarriage
Incomplete Miscarriage

Blighted Ovum

An ultrasound would show evidence of an intrauterine pregnancy, but the embryo has failed to develop further.

Ectopic Pregnancy
Molar Pregnancy

This is a form of a tumor. The ultrasound results show the presence of abnormal tissue inside the uterus. In rare cases, this can be cancerous.

Bleeding may also be caused by reasons unrelated to pregnancy, for example, due to medical conditions or tears to the vaginal wall.

Pregnant happy woman holding red knitted baby shoes in her hands, touching her belly with charming smile, expectant mother wearing white dress, brunette girl looks happy expecting child.

Management Of Bleeding In First Trimester

The treatment will depend on the cause.

Threatened miscarriage: Supportive treatment is given and then a review is done to ensure that the pregnancy is continuing fine.

Inevitable miscarriage / Incomplete miscarriage / blighted ovum: Medications may help evacuate the uterus and some may need a curettage.

Molar pregnancy: Dilatation and curettage is done and then regular follow up is required to ensure the hormones settle. Some cases may need additional treatment in the form of injections.

Ectopic pregnancy some can be managed with medicines (injections) and some will need surgery.

Causes Of Bleeding During the Second And Third Trimester

Placenta Previa

It is a situation where the placenta partially or completely covers the cervical opening. In this case, most women will have painless bleeding.

Placental Abruption
Placenta Accreta, Increta, or Percreta
Uterine Rupture

Under Uterine Rupture, the wall of the uterus splits open. The baby then is partially or completely expelled into the abdomen.

It is more likely to happen in women who have had a previous cesarean section or surgery on the uterus where the cavity was opened.

Uterine Rupture can also happen in cases where:

Cervix Cancer

Management Of Bleeding In The Second And Third Trimester

Most cases will need hospitalization, management will have the following goals:

Bleeding can be due to causes not related to the pregnancy such as cancer in the cervi.

Other Associated Symptoms

Bleeding may be associated with other symptoms such as fatigue, excessive thirst, dizziness, or fainting.

The intensity of the pain varies depending on the cause.

Ectopic pregnancy and uterine rupture may present with excruciating pain.

Diagnosis Of Bleeding In Pregnancy

In case of any bleeding in pregnancy one must report to the doctor.

Good examination and sonography are usually the main steps in diagnosis.

Blood tests and tests for fetal wellbeing will be carried out as well depending on the situation.