Cancer of The Ovary

Caring for You, Always


The Ovary is the main hormone producing organ of the female reproductive system.

The ovary is made of 3 different types of cells. These are as follow:

Cancer can happen in any of these cells. The epithelial cell cancers are the commonest. The other two are not so common. They are also slow growing and have a good cure rate.

Ovarian cancers can happen at all ages, but are more likely to happen after menopause. A family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer or uterus cancer increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Infertility and Endometriosis also are associated risk factors. Unfortunately ovarian cancers do not have specific symptoms. Women commonly complain of vague abdominal pain, lump in the lower abdomen, bloating sensation or distension of abdomen. The lump / mass in the ovary may be detected on a routine pelvic examination or on sonography. A sonography may only define features of the mass but cannot conclusively tell whether it is benign or cancerous.

CA-125 is a substance that increases in the blood in the presence of some cancer. In some ovarian cancer CA-125 may be raised and can be checked by a blood test. In case of suspicion of ovarian cancer, CT- SCan, X-Ray chest and MRI may be done to see if there is spread to other organs. The most definitive way to tell whether the mass is cancerous or not, is by histological diagnosis. When a mass is present in the ovary and if suspected to be cancerous, then surgery is normally the first step. It helps in staging and grading of the cancer. Usually the aim is to remove as much disease as possible during the surgery. Subsequently the woman may need chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. The cure rates vary depending on the type of cell, the grade of cancer and the spread to other organs inside and outside the pelvis.

Managent of ovarian cancer requires a team of expert i.e. surgical oncologist, medical oncologist, radiation experts, palliative care experts and good nursing care.

Dr. Sangeeta is attached to tertiary care centers in south Mumbai, where she can put together the best doctors in various fields to provide to the patient the best care keeping in mind the latest scientific developments.