Car Safety in Pregnancy

Caring for You, Always

Many times pregnant women ask me if it is ok if they drive. You can definitely drive, however, car safety during pregnancy is an important topic not to be forgotten.

Pregnant women are advised to follow rules as listed below.


Can I drive if I am pregnant?

It is safe and permitted to drive when you are pregnant. You just ensure that you maintain car safety measures.

While driving, one must ensure:

What is the right way of wearing a seat belt while pregnant?

It is important to wear a seat belt irrespective of whether you are driving or in a passenger seat.

The lap belt should be placed at the lower end of the bulging tummy so that it fits snugly across the hips and pelvic bone.

The shoulder belt should be placed across your chest (between your breasts) and over the mid-portion of your collar bone (away from your neck).

It is not unusual to see some people flouting the rules and wearing the shoulder belt under the arm or behind the back. This is strictly to be avoided.

What is the right posture to sit while driving?

One should keep 10 inches between the steering wheel and the breastbone.

But as the tummy grows it may not be possible to do so and then in that case one should ensure that the wheel is angled towards the breastbone and not the tummy.

Important Safety Tips While Driving