Coffee In Pregnancy

Caring for You, Always

  • Can I Have my cup of coffee whilst I am pregnant?

This is a commonly asked question in pregnancy.

The answer is not too easy. Coffee contains caffeine.

Caffeine is a stimulant and is found in commonly consumed beverages such as coffee, tea and chocolate. It is also found in some over-the-counter medications that relieve headache.

There are studies that have been conducted in animals that show caffeine can have harmful effects on the foetus. Caffeine has shown to cause birth defects, premature labour, preterm delivery, and low birth weight babies in animal studies.

There is lack of robust scientific data in humans to confirm these findings. Further there is no conclusive evidence to support the notion that coffee consumption can affect fertility and bring about miscarriage.

Therefore, due to lack of clarity it is better to limit the caffeine intake to 150 to 300 mg per day. 100 ml of coffee contains about 60mg of caffeine approximately.

It is advisable to enjoy your regular fix of tea or coffee in the morning / afternoon as long as it is within the safe range.