Common Concerns Befor Gynec Consultation

Caring for You, Always

Common Concerns Before a Gynecological Examination

When women schedule an appointment with a gynaecologist, sometimes they have certain concerns. These may even trigger them to cancel the appointment or they may feel embarrassed to keep the appointment.

1. You have not waxed or shaved the hair in the private area.

This should not be a concern as a doctor has no concern with the hair. It is a natural part of you. It is the hygiene that is important.

2. When in periods it is embarrassing to go for a check up

When a woman has abnormal vaginal bleeding, it is important to see the doctor, so you must go for the check-up. This should not embarrass you as menstrual bleeding is a natural process.

3. You are too embarrassed to share details of their sex life.

When you see a doctor, you must feel free to inform about your sexual choices such as oral, anal or vaginal, your gender preference, and number of partners that you have had. This information is required for a doctor to be able to address many of your sexual health issues.

4. You may fart during an examination

Well this can happen to anyone and one need not feel embarrassed.

It usually happens when the doctor puts in a speculum inside the vagina and may press on the rectal wall to have a look inside.

5. You may leak urine when you are being examined.

Just before the examination you must tell the doctor if you would like to empty yourself. In most cases the doctor will tell you to use the washroom before the examination. In some situations, the doctor may tell you to keep the bladder full, eg. When one must check for urine leaking while coughing and sneezing.

6. You have bad smell from the vagina or your clothes smell of urine due to leak.

In either case one should not be embarrassed as you have a health issue and you need help. The doctor is there to help you and can do so only when he or she will see the problem.