Common Gynecological Problems

Caring for You, Always


The field of women’s health has always been a matter of concern. Women need care not only in pregnancy and childbirth but in all phases of life i.e. womb to tomb. It is important to have a holistic and comprehensive approach.  Advances in technology, and innovations have made it possible to provide good prevention strategies, early diagnosis, appropriate and timely treatment.

In this section I have discussed some common gynecological health problems that affect women in various different stages of life.  We aim to provide overall wellbeing of the women with the highest quality care in a compassionate manner using latest technology and leading edge evidence-based treatment.

Learn More about Common Gynecological Problems

  • Reproductive Health Risks

Reproductive Health Risks in the young are unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, STDs, sexual violence and indulgence in sex not by choice

The young indulge in sexual activity impulsively and many a times it is not planned. They may not have a condom or the emergency contraceptive and may not be aware of the need for contraception. Even if they get pregnant they are more likely to not realize that they are pregnant. They may not seek help early as they are scared or shy or simply unaware and are more likely to indulge in unsafe practices for abortion with the help of friends or quacks and are more likely to have complications.

Relationships are not stable in this age group, thereby increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and their complications such as chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, long term health risks and infertility.

Pregnancy carries a lot more risks for the young. They have more risks of anaemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, addiction, malnutrition, obstructed labour and growth restricted babies.

Most young people do not access and accept contraception services due to lack of access, information, confidentiality, and to the myths associated with them.