Embarrassing Times In Pregnancy

Caring for You, Always

There are times in pregnancy when you have some symptoms and are extremely embarrassed about them. Well they are common, and you are not the only one who experiences them.

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Excess Flatus / Farts

This is quite common and is a result of the effect of the progesterone hormone on the muscles of the gastro intestinal tract. Progesterone causes the movements to be slow. Therefore, one feels full and bloated immediately after eating, and can have constipation and flatus due to slow movements of the bowel contents. Decreased physical activity during pregnancy only aggravates the issue.

Plenty of oral fluids, especially warm water, and adequate fruits and fibre, can help prevent gas and constipation. Certain Yoga’s and asana are also very useful. Simple laxatives can be safely taken during pregnancy.

Incontinence / Involuntary leaking of urine

During pregnancy it is quite common for women to leak a few drops of urine while sneezing coughing and sometimes laughing out loud. This is called stress incontinence.

This happens because of the pressure of the pregnant uterus and the head of the foetus on the urinary bladder.

It is advisable to wear a panty liner especially if very frequent, and to use the wash room to empty the bladder at regular intervals even before there is a sensation to use the washroom.

Facial Hair

Some women will have hair in the unwanted areas such as the face and the abdomen and this is due to the hormones.

It is safe to do waxing and tweezing. Hair removing creams should be used only when you have used them before and are aware that there is no allergy to them. It is difficult to be sure of the contents of the cream and their effect on the foetus.