Emergency Contraception Methods

Caring for You, Always

Emergency Contraception Methods can be used to prevent pregnancy if one had sex without using birth control or if the birth control method did not work correctly.

They must be used immediately after the unprotected sex. They are not the same as abortion pills and will not work in case you are already pregnant.

Types of Emergency Contraception Methods
Mechanism Of Action
Who should consider Emergency Contraception?
Emergency Contraceptive Pills

Effect of the pills on the periods

The next period may come early or late, and one may have spotting or flow may be heavier or lighter than normal.

If the period does not come for a week from the expected date, then it is advisable to check for pregnancy.

It is prudent to check for pregnancy even if the period is lighter and or shorter than the regular period, or one has severe abdominal pain and an abnormal flow.

Important Facts about Emergency Contraceptive Pills
Important Facts About IUD As Emergency Contraceptive
IUD can be used if:
Side Effects of IUD

Irrespective of which emergency contraceptive you use, you should see a gynecologist and discuss all the choices that are available for regular contraception and adopt a method that suits your needs.

IUD cannot be used if: