- Healthy Vagina
The vulva comprises the visible outer parts. The outer lips are called the labia majora and they are covered with fat and hair, inside this is the labia minora, situated at the entrance of the vagina and the urethra. In the middle of the two labia minora is the clitoris. The vagina opens to the outside between the labia minora. At the other end is the cervix and the uterus.
- Vaginal hygiene
Important to maintain hygiene. The vagina is a normally moist area with a non-offensive odour. Wash your private area with lukewarm water every time after using the restroom and pat the area dry. Avoid using soaps and do not scrub. We suggest using pH Balanced hygiene washes which are now freely available in the market. Change your undergarments at least twice daily. Always wear Cotton under garments that are loosely fitting and give the bottom area enough place to breathe. Avoid lace and elastic especially when it is hot and humid.
- Pubic Hair
Whether you want to keep the hair or not is a matter of personal choice. The hair prevents friction related injuries. It is always good to trim it to keep it short as then the area can be kept clean and dry. Shaving and hair removal creams can be used and are safe. While shaving one must use a new razor every time.
- Discharge
The vagina normally has discharge and it varies depending on the time of the cycle. It is usually more around the time of ovulation. The discharge is normal if it is not smelly and itchy and there is no odour. In case there is odour or itch, or it is yellowish/ greenish in colour then you may have infection and you must see a doctor.
- During Period
Pads and Tampons should be changed every 4 to 6 hours. Extreme care has to be taken to not forget a Tampon inside the vagina. Disposable or nondisposable pads cups tampons all are safe

- Infections
Any woman can get infections in the vagina. Not all are due to sex. In case of any symptoms one needs to see a gynaecologist. Always have protected intercourse.
- Lax Perineum
Childbirth can loosen the muscles that are a support for your pelvic floor. This can lead to various symptoms. One of the commonest is to feel that something is coming down through the vagina. This is called prolapse. It can be of varying degrees and is usually prominent after menopause but for some it can manifest even before menopause. Kegel’s exercises can help to strengthen the pelvic floor.