Isoflavones In Menopause Management

Caring for You, Always


The article discusses Isoflavones In Menopause Management. Menopause brings about many symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, urinary symptoms, and vaginal dryness, besides osteoporosis and increased risk of heart disease and cancer.

Not all can be prevented and cured. There are various treatment options available to deal with symptoms and one such option is isoflavones.

Soya contains isoflavones. Genistein is an isoflavone found in soybeans and it mimics estrogen. It can bind to the estrogen receptors and help in managing the symptoms to a certain degree.

Isoflavones have been used with good results in managing hot flashes. Isoflavones may improve heart elasticity, reduce the chances of hypertension, and may have a role in protecting bone density and the brain from Alzheimer’s. It may also be beneficial in protecting against breast, and other hormone-related cancers.

Isoflavones are found in soya bean, soy milk, soy flour, soy nuts, Tofu, and various such foods.

Isoflavones are available as tablets and have been used effectively for 3 to 6 months to alleviate the symptoms. There are no serious side effects and complications.