
Caring for You, Always


A laparoscopy is an operation used to look inside your abdomen with a thin instrument called laparoscope that has a camera at one end. It is inserted through a tiny cut in the belly button. It is done in order to look into the abdominal cavity to detect a problem and to operate if required.

The common situations when it is done for diagnosis are

It is also done to operate in various conditions and this list is growing every day as the technology and the instruments get better. Laparoscopy has allowed us to operate without making big cuts on the abdomen. Therefore the recovery after the operation is quicker.

The common conditions that are dealt with through the laparoscope are as follows:-


Laparoscopy is an operative procedure, requires pre-operative investigations, admission, bowel preparation in some cases and anesthesia. In the theater under anesthesia a small cut is made in the belly button to pass the laparoscope. One two or three additional cuts are made on the abdomen to insert the various instruments that are required during the surgery. The abdomen is inflated with gas to enable us to see the organs well. Once inside all organs are examined and the procedure that is required is carried out.

You may see videos of some of these procedures on the You-tube or else when you meet Dr. Sangeeta, she may show you the video of the procedure that she intends to do for you as the case may be.

After the operation you may be able to go home on same day or one you need to stay in the hospital for a few days depending on the surgery done. In the post-operative period one may need pain killers, antibiotics and some special medication as per the case (hormones in case of endometriosis).

Laparoscopy is a major surgery and complications can happen, they may be related with the anesthesia and the procedure itself. Certain complications can happen during the surgery and some may be detected after the surgery.

Dr. Sangeeta offers laparoscopic surgery for a wide range of gynecological conditions in institutes with state-of-art facilities.