Low Libido

Caring for You, Always

Low Libido is one of the problems which many women face but feel shy to discuss openly. Below are the causes of low libido/loss of sex drive. It is better that these issues are discussed openly and clearly as there is a solution to every problem. Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal is one such gynecologist who will make you feel comfortable and provide you the solution to your problems.

  • Relationship Problems

This is one of the most common causes of a lack of sex drive. There may be loss of sexual attraction, conflict and disharmony, poor communication, lack of trust and sometimes just being in a long-term relationship and becoming overfamiliar with your partner can take away the interest.

  • Physical Sexual Problems

Low sex drive can be due to vaginal dryness thereby leading to painful sex and infections, inability to orgasm, and involuntary tightening of the vagina (vaginismus). These problems can be easily treated.

  • Stress, Fatigue, Anxiety, And Depression

These can have a major impact on your sex drive. Stress and anxiety can be managed but depression can be a serious illness and may require professional help. One may need to see a counselor or a mental health specialist. The medications can help the depression, but certain anti-depressants may adversely affect the sex drive and therefore the choice of the medication and the dosage has to be chosen judiciously.

  • Menopause and Aging

Loss of libido is common with aging. Though it is not inevitable. Age-related health problems (diabetes, blood pressure, mobility problems such as arthritis and many such ailments ) and side effects of the medication for many illnesses can affect libido.

With menopause, there is a decline in levels of sex hormones (oestrogen and testosterone) which contributes to the lack of libido. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with or without testosterone treatment can help women going through the menopause.

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  • Pregnancy And Lactation​

Loss of interest in sex is common during and after pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. This can be because of exhaustion, lack of sleep, changes in hormone levels changes in body size, and pain during sex due to episiotomy. These issues may improve over time.

  • Medical Health Problems​

Many long-term medical conditions can affect libido. For example, low libido can be associated with heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, cancer, major surgery, and any debilitating condition. Various medicines can sometimes reduce libido and one will need to review them with the specialist.

  • Alcohol And Drugs​

Excessive amounts of alcohol over a long period can reduce sex drive. Up to a maximum of 14 alcohol units, a week is a safe limit. Drug abuse is also linked to a loss of sex drive. These habits will require professional intervention.

Lack of libido can adversely affect your own health and your relationship. Many issues can be resolved, and the first step is to seek help.