Managing Menopause Without Hormones

Caring for You, Always

Women experience various symptoms after menopause. Hormones are used to manage these symptoms and are very effective. But the benefits come with associated risks. Many women may choose not to take hormones and may require some alternatives to manage their symptoms.

There are various alternative treatments that are useful in managing the symptoms. Healthy lifestyle, good dietary habits, regular exercises are extremely valuable. Phytoestrogens are substances that are found in plants and have estrogen like effects in the body. Soya bean is a very rich source of phytoestrogen. They are also found in chick peas, beans and peas. Phytoestrogen supplements in the form of capsules are also available in the market. They have given mixed results in the management of hot flushes and more research is required. 

Vaginal lubricants and estrogen containing creams are very safe and effective in treating vaginal dryness.

Antidepressants have also been used in select cases for management of symptoms. Women over the world have tried homeopathy, ayurvedic, acupressure, acupuncture, vitamin (E and C) supplements and evening primrose oil. It is difficult to recommend these as there is no proven benefit and more research is required.

Nevertheless menopause is not the sunset of your life. It is not even the twilight. It is time to pause and move on. Make an appointment with Dr. Sangeeta for a discussion on how best you can prepare yourself to face the challenges of this special phase of your life.