Caring for You, Always


MRI Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Fibroids is another way of treatment of fibroids (MRI-guided HIFU).

Fibroids management continues to challenge health care providers and there are newer innovations.

Surgical treatment and medical management are both used effectively. However, they have their limitations. There is a need for solutions that can, not only prevent surgery but also be more long term than the medicines.

  • What is MRI Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-guided HIFU)?

MR-guided HIFU a revolutionary fibroid treatment that uses MRI with special sound waves called high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This treatment is suggested for those who have symptomatic, small- or medium-sized fibroids and would like to keep the uterus and fertility.

  • Is the MR-guided HIFU treatment safe?

This treatment is not appropriate for pedunculated fibroids, fibroids where sound waves cannot reach.

  • How is the MR-guided HIFU treatment carried out?

We discuss all the options with our patients and guide them to the relevant specialists who offer these treatments when required.