PCOS And Health

Caring for You, Always


It is a metabolic condition wherein there are hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance as its key features. These have an impact on the overall health of women. Below are some of the health conditions which need care if you have PCOS.

  • PCOS And Common Health Issues
  • Diabetes and PCOS

Insulin resistance is an important component of PCOS. Most women with PCOS will eventually have diabetes or prediabetes (glucose intolerance). Many may have gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

  • PCOS and High Blood pressure

Women with PCOS have obesity due to metabolic derangement. They therefore may have high blood pressure. This then poses an additional risk factor for ischemic heart disease leading to heart attacks.

  • High cholesterol/lipids and PCOS

Obesity, metabolic derangement, and insulin resistance all contribute to increased cholesterol. This further contributes to the increased risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke.

  • Sleep Apnea and PCOS

Women with PCOS and Obesity tend to have disturbed sleep. The tongue falls back while sleeping and obstructs the air passage. This leads to momentary stops in breathing and therefore affects the sleep. It can also lead to tiredness and fatigue and concentration issues. Sleep apnea in the long run can further contribute to heart disease and diabetes.

  • Depression and Anxiety and their relation with PCOS

Depression and anxiety are common among women with PCOS. The young women specifically can have serious body image issues due to acne and hirsutism. It is not uncommon for young girls to avoid school or college due to the lack of self-confidence due to their appearance. This can long term influence on their behavior and personality.

  • PCOS and Endometrial cancer

Women with PCOS have unopposed estrogen and lack of progesterone due to the ovulation issues. This then is an important risk factor for developing endometrial cancer. Many women present with the abnormal heavy flow especially after 40 and a DNC will reveal endometrial hyperplasia i.e. increased growth of endometrium in the absence of progesterone.

Prevention is better than cure. One cannot prevent PCOS, but it can be controlled. The primary step is to control weight.

A healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can keep control of the symptoms of PCOS and even aid the medical management in getting better results.