Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Caring for You, Always


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an inflammation affecting the pelvic organs, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It typically begins with an infection in the vagina and cervix that ascends to the pelvic organs. PID is classified as acute when there is sudden or severe inflammation, and chronic when the inflammation persists over time.

Symptoms of PID can vary widely among individuals and may include:

These symptoms are not exclusive to PID and can also be indicative of other conditions, such as bladder infections, bowel infections, or ovarian cysts, making diagnosis challenging.


A thorough medical history and physical examination are essential for diagnosing PID. Diagnostic tests may include:

Depending on the severity one may need hospitalization, intravenous antibiotics. In case of an abscess one may need surgery. If there is associated pregnancy then antibiotics have to be chosen carefully.  If there is an IUCD inside then there may be a possibility that it needs to be removed in case the infection does not settle. In such a situation the oral contraceptive may be used.


In case of PID due to sexual activity, it is wise for the sexual partner to also undergo investigations and take treatment even if there are no symptoms. It is imperative to avoid sex until both partners are treated completely. It is wise to use condoms as it can prevent repeat episodes. Repeated episodes of PID can damage the tubes thereby affecting the fertility and increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy, persistent pain in lower abdomen and pain during periods and sex.

If you think you have symptoms to suggest PID then make an appointment to see Dr Sangeeta today. Prompt and adequate treatment can be curable and can prevent fertility issues in the future.