Postpartum Blues And Depression

Caring for You, Always


Post-delivery some women start to feel low depressed anxious and have mixed emotions. They may cry for no reason, may have anger towards the new baby, or have concerns about their motherhood capabilities. They may have a loss of appetite, lack of sleep, and excess fatigue. These are all postpartum blues and depression that they might be facing.

These low feelings are called as post-partum blues. They start a few days after delivery and usually settle within a few weeks without any medication.

Sometimes these symptoms can be very serious and intense. Then it is called postpartum depression. This also starts within a few days or weeks of pregnancy and can last for almost up to a year.

Causes of Postpartum Blues/ Depression

How do I manage post partum blues / depression?

It is important for the family members to recognize any symptoms of feeling low and depressed and then report to the doctor immediately.

Certain investigations e.g. Thyroid levels can be done as hypothyroidism can trigger depression.

Counseling sessions with an expert, understanding caring near and dear ones and anti-depressants can effectively help in managing the situation. A consultation with a psychiatrist may at times be required. The medications have to be taken judiciously as there are benefits for the mother, but they pass through the breast milk and therefore have risks for the baby.