Precautions During Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a special day and everyone likes to celebrate it either alone or with someone special. It is always advisable to take a few precautions during Valentine’s Day so you can have all the fun without any risks involved.

There is no harm in celebrating but one must take certain precautions. Certain things can affect your health and completely spoil the celebrations.

So, let’s look at how we can celebrate while exercising caution so that there is no party spoiler.

Eating Out During Valentines

Eating out is quite common for celebration. Restaurant food can be unhealthy, loaded with salt poor quality fat and lots of sugar and can be prepared in unhygienic conditions and can be stale. This can lead to gastroenteritis food poisoning and can affect the sugar levels of the diabetics. It is advisable to eat home-cooked healthy food.

Precautions During Valentine’s Day From Flu

It’s quite common for two young people to come close to each other especially while hugging and kissing. But in case one of the partners is suffering from fever cough cold and /or sore throat then it is better to restrain yourself as the virus spreads by contact. The viral infection can lead to mild flu-like infections to very severe pneumonia. Therefore, it is advisable that you avoid contact with someone who has Flu and also washes your hands after an avoidable contact.

Valentines And Intimacy

On Valentine Day it is common to have physical intimacy, and this can lead to sexual interaction. Unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted infections. It is advisable to use condoms to prevent both. Emergency contraceptives can only help prevent pregnancy but will not help in preventing sexually transmitted infections. Even if you are on birth control pills it is advisable to use condoms to prevent infections.


Desserts ice cream chocolates and cakes are an inevitable part of celebrations. Too much of this can lead to an increase in sugar levels acne and spoil weight loss related goals. Therefore, be cautious while consuming these.

Alcohol And Valentines

To raise a toast during the celebration is again a very common thing. Therefore, it is quite understandable that there will be some alcohol consumption. It is sensible to do so in moderation. Women who are pregnant should avoid alcohol and all individuals should avoid drinking and driving.

Be careful and take your celebrations to another level.

Valentine’s Day More Tips From Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal

Contact Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal for any further suggestions