Pregnancy Weight Gain and Body Image

Empowering Women's Health

Pregnancy causes many changes in the body. There are many physiological changes and there are changes in the appearance. Pregnancy and weight gain is the most important issue which women deal with.

Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal speak about Weight Gain during pregnancy

These changes are normal and part of being pregnant. Further, the body may not return to its pre-pregnancy level again post-delivery or may take a long time and effort. Some women find it difficult to deal with them and have a negative body image which can impact their psychological well-being.

Impact Of Pregnancy On Body Image

Weight gain is the most important and obvious change during pregnancy. The breast and the abdomen enlarge considerably during pregnancy. Most women develop stretch marks mainly on the abdomen as it enlarges. Acne, mood swings, excessive tiredness are also common. These symptoms can bring about negative feelings in the minds of pregnant women.

Pregnancy and Weight Gain
Managing Negative Emotions

Pregnant women need a lot of loving care and reinforcement of positive ideas. It is important to counsel them and prepare them even before the pregnancy with the following:-