What Is Puberty For Girls?

Puberty is when a child’s body starts showing changes as they are in the process of becoming an adult. Puberty for girls is when the girls start developing breasts, get their first period. Wherein puberty for boys is when their voice gets heavier and they start showing facial hair growth.

So, medically we can say puberty is the process of biologic & physical development through which sexual reproduction first becomes possible. Various physical changes occur during puberty. Puberty for girls usually starts at the age of 9 years. This can differ from girl to girl.

What are the five stages of puberty?

  • Accelerated growth
  • Breast development & growth
  • Pubic & axillary hair growth
  • Menarche -i.e. appearance of 1st menses (ovulation usually occurs 1-3 years after menarche)
  • Most girls get their 1st menses between 9yrs to 16yrs, mean age is 12.8 yrs

For how long should we wait for the first periods?

1. Does not have menses by age of 14 yrs and also secondary sexual characteristics
2. No menses by age of 16 yrs despite secondary sex characteristics, then she would need further investigation. One should then see a gynecologist.

Here are a few FAQs around Puberty in Girls as answered by Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal.