Always ensure that you are aware of your blood group especially in pregnancy.
In case you are Rh-negative then you should be aware of your partner’s blood group and take the necessary steps to prevent Rh incompatibility.
Caring for You, Always
The Rh factor is a protein that is inherited and that can be found on the surface of red blood cells.
Individuals who have the protein are known as Rh-Positive and those who do not have it are called Rh-Negative.
Every individual will inherit the Rh factor gene from the mother or the father.
In a case where the pregnant woman is Rh-negative and the father of the baby is Rh-positive, the baby has a 50 percent or more chance of having Rh-positive blood.
Your pregnancy gets influenced by Rh Factor only in case the mother is Rh-negative, and the fetus is Rh-positive. In this case, Rh Incompatibility will develop.
Normally there is a barrier between maternal and fetal blood. The mixing commonly happens at the time of delivery and labor. It can happen under the following circumstances:
When Rh-positive fetal blood enters the maternal bloodstream her body will recognize the Rh-positive cells as foreign antigens and will fight them by developing Rh antibodies. These antibodies can cross the placenta and destroy the fetal blood cells that are Rh-positive. This can lead to serious health problems such as:
The Rh incompatibility is more likely to manifest in second and subsequent pregnancies.
In the first pregnancy, the maternal blood meets fetal blood mainly at the time of labor and therefore does not have time to develop antibodies. However, the mother will develop antibodies very quickly in the next pregnancy when exposed to Rh-positive blood and then the fetus can get exposed to the antibodies for the full duration of the pregnancy. This can then lead to various complications.
Every pregnant woman undergoes a blood group check. If she is Rh positive, then no further testing is required.
If she is Rh-negative, then the blood group of the father of the baby is checked.
In case, he is also Rh-negative, then there is no possibility of incompatibility as the fetus cannot be Rh-positive.
If he is Rh-positive then there is a chance of Rh incompatibility. In this case, an antibody screening is done to assess if the mother has any antibodies to Rh-positive antigens.
In case antibodies are present, then further testing for levels is required and fetal monitoring is done to evaluate if the fetal cells are getting destroyed.
It is important to prevent the Rh-negative mother from developing antibodies to the Rh Antigen. Rh immunoglobulin injections can be given to the mother to stop her body from making antibodies. This injection is advocated in the following circumstances:
Always ensure that you are aware of your blood group especially in pregnancy.
In case you are Rh-negative then you should be aware of your partner’s blood group and take the necessary steps to prevent Rh incompatibility.