Teen Times

Empowering Women's Health


It’s totally normal to masturbate (touch yourself for sexual pleasure). Masturbation can lead to orgasm. Orgasm releases endorphins in the body that can make you feel good. It does not matter whether you have an orgasm by stimulating yourself or by having sex with your partner. Masturbation can be done irrespective whether you have a partner or not. It is done by men and women both. It is also normal if you do not masturbate. Everyone is different and there is nothing wrong either way, whether you masturbate or not. One should not feel the pressure to climax every time but in case one has a problem then one can use toys specially made to help with this process.

  • It can have several benefits
There are many myths about masturbation:

Parents Teenagers and the Subject of Sex

Parents of teenagers always fear the subject of sex with their children. Most parents do not feel comfortable to talk about it to their children, do not know how to start the topic and how much to tell and what to tell.

Well it is important for parents to realize that they should discuss this subject with their teenagers as they can give correct information and help the teenagers to have that special comfort with their parents so that they do not seek advice and information from wrong or ill-informed sources.

Parents should begin discussing sexual behaviour, sexuality, and sexual feelings, when puberty starts i.e. ages of 9 to 13. The discussion need not happen all in one go. It can be done in phases as you assess the emotional maturity of your children to comprehend the information given to them.

It is also important to understand that psychologically they are still too young and immature to cope with the unintended consequences that may occur with the sexual choices that they make.

High school and junior college, is the platform for the young to socialize, start dating and partying. This leads to increase in sexual intimacy and activity. When they are living away from parents then the chances are even higher. At this age they are not yet mature to take responsibility of the outcome of their actions e.g. accidental pregnancy.

Therefore, a discussion to educate and help decision making is important. The discussion should be two way. Parents should not only talk openly but also listen to their teenagers openly without being judgemental and decisive. They need to be comfortable to talk about not only sexual behaviour but also other high risk behaviour in teenagers such as drug abuse. Parents need to counsel teenagers to understand how to nurture a caring relationship and not indulge in casual sex. They need to help them understand that dating is not wrong if both partners are willing, should stop if one of them is not ready, and to wait to get into sex until they are clearly committed in the relationship, and able to accept the responsibilities that come along with it. They should be made aware of contraception and all about sexually transmitted infections and its prevention.

In case you would like to discuss this important subject with your children, and you need assistance then you can seek help from Dr Sangeeta Agrawal. You canyou’re your teens to enrol for a discussion either singularly or in groups (teens are comfortable to come with their friends for a discussion on these personal matters). We will help get the discussion started and you can then take it ahead at home emphasizing your view points beliefs and practices.

Health concerns of the young

Well you need a friendly non-judgemental, unbiased expert who can advise you on these issues and keep it confidential.

Make an appointment to see Dr Sangeeta Agrawal to get all your answers that are scientifically correct, and tailor made to suit your requirements.

  • Reproductive Health Risks

Reproductive Health Risks in the young are unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, STDs, sexual violence and indulgence in sex not by choice

The young indulge in sexual activity impulsively and many a times it is not planned. They may not have a condom or the emergency contraceptive and may not be aware of the need for contraception. Even if they get pregnant they are more likely to not realize that they are pregnant. They may not seek help early as they are scared or shy or simply unaware and are more likely to indulge in unsafe practices for abortion with the help of friends or quacks and are more likely to have complications.

Relationships are not stable in this age group, thereby increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and their complications such as chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, long term health risks and infertility.

Pregnancy carries a lot more risks for the young. They have more risks of anaemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, addiction, malnutrition, obstructed labour and growth restricted babies.

Most young people do not access and accept contraception services due to lack of access, information, confidentiality, and to the myths associated with them.

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The need for improved reproductive health services for the young is being increasingly recognized throughout the world. The young need information and access to confidential reproductive health services. The parents and teachers may be the first source for information but unfortunately the youth may be too shy or scared to discuss these issues with them.

The youth need health services by experts who can deal with these sensitive issues.

Dr Sangeeta Agrawal provides comprehensive services in a youth friendly warm welcoming confidential environment. She is unbiased, non-judgemental, and has good counselling skills. are scientifically correct, and tailor made to suit your requirements.

Learn More about troubles faced by Teenagers

  • Reproductive Health Risks

Reproductive Health Risks in the young are unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, STDs, sexual violence and indulgence in sex not by choice

The young indulge in sexual activity impulsively and many a times it is not planned. They may not have a condom or the emergency contraceptive and may not be aware of the need for contraception. Even if they get pregnant they are more likely to not realize that they are pregnant. They may not seek help early as they are scared or shy or simply unaware and are more likely to indulge in unsafe practices for abortion with the help of friends or quacks and are more likely to have complications.

Relationships are not stable in this age group, thereby increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and their complications such as chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, long term health risks and infertility.

Pregnancy carries a lot more risks for the young. They have more risks of anaemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, addiction, malnutrition, obstructed labour and growth restricted babies.

Most young people do not access and accept contraception services due to lack of access, information, confidentiality, and to the myths associated with them.