Nowadays everyone is talking of the Corona vaccine. Everyone wants that magical vaccine to be available so that we can fight and finish the Corona virus.
Several different types of vaccine are being developed. The aim of every vaccine is to generate long lasting antibodies in good amount and as quickly as possible with one dose and zero side effects.
It is a tall order. There are several different types of vaccines that are being prepared.
Types of Corona Vaccinations
- Inactivated virus vaccines: this uses a form of the virus that has been inactivated so that it cannot cause disease, but still generates an immune response.
- Protein-based vaccines: this uses fragments of viral proteins that mimic the COVID-19 virus but do not cause the disease and generate an immune response.
- Viral vector vaccines: this uses a virus that has been genetically engineered so that it can’t cause disease but can safely generate antibodies to the viral protein.
- RNA and DNA vaccines: this uses genetically engineered RNA or DNA to generate a protein that is identical to the viral protein and can safely prompt an immune response without causing the disease.
The vaccination process has already started as I write this article. We all still need to continue to exercise all the precautionary measures such as social distancing, washing hands regularly, and wearing the mask.