Weight Gain After Menopause

Caring for You, Always

How To Manage Weight Gain After Menopause?


Its quite common to gain weight after menopause.

Why do women gain weight after menopause?

There are multiple factors. Due to lack of estrogen there are metabolic changes in the way one uses their glucose and fat. There is also fat mobilization and shift in the areas that get deposited with fat. There is increased fat deposition at the waist and hips.

As one ages there is decrease in mobility and that can contribute. The BMR also declines with age and therefore after menopause one will need to increase the physical activity as compared to before to burn the same number of calories.

What is the impact of increased weight on women’s overall health?

Increase weight will only complicate other coexisting medical conditions like Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Osteoarthritis to name a few.

What can you do to overcome weight gain problem after menopause?

Exercise is the best answer. A regular disciplined schedule is advisable. Exercise benefits in multiple ways.

Which exercise should you do after menopause?

It is important to be active therefore do anything that you enjoy. It is ideal to exercise daily but try to do for at least 5 times a week for 45 mins at least.

There are 2 main goals

What are the precautions we need to take while exercising?