What Can Cause Female Infertility

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Female Infertility is when you are trying to get pregnant naturally for atleast a year with no success. Infertility can be due to male or female infertility. There are various causes associated with famale infertility as listed below:

1. Age

Age is the most consistent factor that affects the fertility of women. The women have all their eggs at birth and after birth the eggs only dwindle over time. Fertility declines after 30 and the decline is significant after 40. After 40, pregnancy is difficult, higher chance of medical problems, and higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

2. Smoking

Smoking makes it difficult to get pregnant. It further increases risk of miscarriage, difficult times in pregnancy, higher chance of premature delivery, growth restricted babies, and various complications of pregnancy.

3. Weight

Weight plays a major role in hormonal balance and the glucose and thereby the insulin metabolism in the body. Obesity can make the periods delayed scanty and can prevent the normal egg formation every month. Even if the eggs are formed, they may not be good enough for fertilization and implantation as the hormonal milieu is disturbed.

4. Timing of Sex

It is common to have very infrequent sex among couples due to work pressure and lack of quality time together. It is important to have sex at the time of ovulation but at the same time, timing should not become a pressure and agenda on the to-do list. It is also important to have regular attempts every other day or every two days rather than doing it multiple times on the day of ovulation.

5. Presence of certain gynecological conditions

Various conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, Tuberculosis, PID, and many more can directly affect the chances of getting pregnant. These issues need to be addressed and treated.

6. Semen quality

This problem is not related to women, however, sometimes the quality of semen can be a problem. Semen is one of the most important factors and many abnormalities in quantity and quality may be present in seemingly normal men. A routine check when you start planning the pregnancy can be very useful so that timely action can be taken.