When To Do A Pregnancy Test?

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Home Pregnancy Test

The home pregnancy test (urine pregnancy test) is a test to detect pregnancy. It detects the presence of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) in the urine. This hormone is produced by the placenta. It is detected when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. The implantation occurs 12 days after fertilization. The presence of the hormone in the urine proves that one is pregnant.

HCG is detected from the time the woman misses the period or within one or two days after missing the period. The levels increase exponentially up to 10 weeks and then gradually reduce until delivery.

This test is freely available in the market as a simple test that can be done by anyone at home. All it needs is a few drops of urine. The results are available immediately in a few minutes.

Therefore, it is commonly referred to as a home pregnancy test kit.

When Should I do the pregnancy test?

The test should be done once you miss a period, after a few days.

It is ideal to take the first-morning sample of urine though after a week or 10 days one can do with any urine of the day. The morning urine is the most concentrated and will contain the highest HCG levels of the day. The urine dilutes during the day as one drinks fluids, so HCG levels may not be detected easily in the day.

There are various types of kits and it is important to follow the instructions properly while doing the test.

If the test is positive, then one should seek the appointment of a gynecologist for further confirmation and management of the pregnancy.

If the test is negative, then one can either relax or repeat the test a few days later to be doubly sure especially if you were expecting to be pregnant.

The test is reliable but not foolproof. It can only tell that you are pregnant or not, and it cannot tell you the size and location of the pregnancy. Rarely the test can give a wrong report. In those cases, interpretation from the doctor is required.

Pregnancy confirmation is further done by a blood test if required or by sonography. Sonography is preferred as it can tell you the size location and viability of the pregnancy.

If you would like to confirm your pregnancy Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal.