Menopause is said to have occurred if you do not have a period for 1 year. The average menopause age is 51 years, but it can happen anytime from 45 to 55 years.

Common Issues After Menopause

Loss Of Libido: One of the common problems which women face post menopause is the loss of libido (reduced sex drive).

Loss of libido (loss of sex drive) is a common problem that affects many women. It can happen at various stages of life.

Libido cannot be measured. There is no such thing as a “normal” libido. Everyone’s sex drive is different. But if the lack of desire for sex is distressing you or it is affecting your relationship, then one must seek professional help. Seeking advice can be the first step towards resolving the issue.

Common Causes Of Low Libido

Sex After Menopause

Weight Gain After Menopause: It’s quite common to gain weight after menopause.

There are multiple factors. Due to a lack of estrogen, there are metabolic changes in the way one uses their glucose and fat. There is also fat mobilization and a shift in the areas that get deposited with fat. There is increased fat deposition at the waist and hips.

As one age there is a decrease in mobility and that can contribute. The BMR also declines with age and therefore after menopause one will need to increase the physical activity as compared to before to burn the same number of calories.

How To Manage Weight After Menopause

Bleeding Problems: Bleeding after menopause is not normal and you should see a gynecologist for a checkup. The bleeding can be due to various causes.

Post Menopause Bleeding Problems / Treatment

Menopause FAQs