Here is a list of frequently asked questions related to pregnancy.
Pregnancy FAQs
Why pregnancy test shows invalid?
A pregnancy test can be invalid if the card is not working or if the urine drops were not put in the correct well.
Why pregnancy test in the morning?
The pregnancy test in the morning is recommended in the early pregnancy as the urine is more concentrated. This helps to detect the hormone easily.
Why pregnancy symptoms disappear?
Pregnancy symptoms usually disappear when there is a miscarriage, missed abortion or there is intrauterine death. One should immediately see a gynecologist in case you have similar doubts.
Is It OK To Get X Ray During Pregnancy?
MRI and ultrasound are safe in all stages of pregnancy. Read this full article to understand about X-Ray During Pregnancy.
Will pregnancy affect my breast size and shape?
Pregnancy and breast lift or breast reduction.
During pregnancy, the breast will enlarge (up to one and half times) and usually, it will reduce a little after weaning.
It is advisable to do cosmetic surgeries on the breast after one has finished childbearing and lactation. Nevertheless, if due to severe image issues one considers doing them before pregnancy then it is possible that the surgery may interfere with lactation as the anatomy of ducts and the nipples may be disturbed. It is important to add that a fair number of women are able to breastfeed.
At what point in the pregnancy is a baby considered “alive”?
The fetus has life from the time it is conceived but it is considered to have the right to life from 24 to 28 weeks onwards. This age will vary from country to country but usually, this is accepted.
Is it safe to travel while only a few weeks pregnant?
Air travel does have inherent risks in pregnancy. But if one has to travel then one must take the necessary precautions. e.g. adequate hydration, walk every half to one hour so that there is no clogging of vessels in the legs, and wear the seat belt whenever advised to do so. You should, however, consult your gynecologist to understand if you have any risks in your pregnancy.
Can a person become pregnant after clipping the tubes?
Yes, it is possible theoretically as occasionally recanalization can happen.
Are pimples a sign of pregnancy?
It is common for acne to flare up in pregnancy especially in the first trimester, however, it is not a specific sign of pregnancy. Many women have a flare-up just before the periods. therefore it may not be considered a sign of pregnancy.
What is considered normal pulse during pregnancy?
The pulse rate will increase by about 10 percent in pregnancy and slightly more during labor and it usually settles within the first week after delivery.
Why am I bleeding 2-3 weeks after my miscarriage?
It may happen sometimes especially if it is a natural miscarriage and a Curettage has not been done. If the bleeding is decreasing on a daily basis then it will settle. The next period may come after 4 to 8 weeks. Though it is advisable to use contraception once you resume sexual activity in case you are not planning a pregnancy immediately.
Could ectopic pregnancies ever be saved and transferred to the uterus?
It is not possible or at least has not been done as yet.
Does a doctor need to know the incision on the uterus from a previous c-section before planning VBAC for second baby??
Yes, the doctor needs to know the incision on the uterus. The decision is taken considering:
1- If the incision is transverse and on a lower segment then a VBAC is possible.
2- If the incision is on the upper body and or longitudinal then VBAC IS contraindicated.
If you do a pregnancy test after 2 weeks of sex and it comes negative, can it change later?
Yes, it is possible.
In case you have delayed cycles then the ovulation may happen later in the cycle and if you continued to be sexually active then you can conceive later in the cycle and the test can change.
Can a pregnancy test kit give wrong results?
Usually, the home pregnancy kits are very accurate, however, if it is done before the missed period then it may give negative result but you can be still pregnant.
Read here to know: when to do a pregnancy test using a home pregnancy kit?
Is lower abdomen pain during pregnancy normal?
No, It could be due to multiple reasons some of which are serious such as preterm labor. You should not ignore any such symptoms and consult a gynecologist immediately.
What is the best option to have healthy pregnancy?
Good mental and physical well-being will give a healthy pregnancy. You should have a healthy meal, a well-balanced diet, and do regular exercise.
Which pregnancy tests are best for early detection?
Urine pregnancy test and Blood pregnancy test can be performed for early detection of pregnancy.
Know about the available pregnancy tests.
When is pregnancy test more accurate?
The test should be done once you miss a period, after a few days.
It is ideal to take the first-morning sample of urine though after a week or 10 days one can do with any urine of the day. The morning urine is the most concentrated and will contain the highest HCG levels of the day. The urine dilutes during the day as one drinks fluids, so HCG levels may not be detected easily in the day.
Which pregnancy hormone causes nausea?
Nausea is one of the common problems during pregnancy. This is caused by a hormone named ‘Beta hCG’. Beta hCG is detectable within a few days of fertilization.
Which pregnancy test is most accurate?
The blood pregnancy test is more accurate in confirming the pregnancy. The sonography is accurate in detecting location and viability.
Can pregnancy tests be wrong?
Yes definitely. The urine pregnancy test can be negative if it is done too early or if the urine is dilute.
The sonography may not show anything if it is done within the first few days of missing the period.
Can pregnancy cause headaches?
Yes, In pregnancy one can get headaches for many reasons. Nausea and vomiting can cause dehydration and hypoglycaemia, therefore leading to headache. An increase in blood pressure can cause headache.
Can pregnancy cause bloating?
In pregnancy progesterne levels rise. This causes all smooth muscles to relax and therefore the women feel bloated.
Can pregnancy cause UTI?
Yes, in pregnancy there is an increased flow of blood to the pelvic regions and there is decreased immunity. This increases the predisposition to urinary tract infections.
Can pregnancy make you tired?
Yes, in pregnancy there is a fall in blood pressure, and the fetus extracts nutrition from the blood of the mother. Therefore the woman can feel hungry, tired and exhausted.
Will pregnancy test be positive at 1 week?
The blood test will be positive one week after a missed period. The urine test also will be positive though there is a chance that it can be negative if it is not done with the first-morning sample.
Will pregnancy test be positive with miscarriage?
Yes, it is possible because the pregnancy may miscarry but the beta HCG levels will drop gradually over a period of time. Therefore the test may be positive for a few weeks even after the miscarriage. This depends on the sensitivity of the urine pregnancy test card.
Will pregnancy symptoms come and go?
Yes, Each individual will have different response. One may have nausea and one may not. It is different even in the same person but in different pregnancies.
Will pregnancy test show miscarriage?
The urine test cannot show miscarriage but a declining beta HCG test will indicate a miscarriage.
Will pregnancy test be positive with Ectopic?
yes, the urine pregnancy test will be positive though it cannot indicate intra or extra-uterine. The blood pregnancy test can give a fair indication. In a normal pregnancy, the levels double every 48 hours. In an ectopic, the levels increase but do not double and are a valuable indicator of an ectopic pregnancy.
Can pregnancy tests fail?
Yes, if they are done at the wrong time or in wrong situation. e.g. before missing a period.
Will pregnancy test work at 12 weeks?
Yes, it will work and show positive.
Will pregnancy test work at 6 weeks?
Yes, it will work and show positive.
Will pregnancy test work in the evening?
Yes once the pregnancy is already a few days old then it can be detected in the evening also.
When to do pregnancy test after IVF?
The pregnancy test (blood) can be done in 12 days after embryo transfer.
When pregnancy scans?
A pregnancy scan can be done a few days after one misses a period. i.e. at four and a half weeks. A gestational sac is clearly seen at 5 weeks.
When pregnancy is a surprise?
Pregnancy is a surprise if it occurs during lactation amenorrhoea or when it happens after contraception failure.
When pregnancy sickness stops?
Pregnancy sickness usually will stop by the end of the first trimester, only in cases of twins and gestational trophoblastic diseases it may continue little longer.
When pregnancy symptoms start?
Symptoms start as early as 4 weeks.
When pregnancy bump starts to show?
Pregnancy bump starts to show anytime from 20 to 24 weeks.
When pregnancy symptoms begin?
The commonest symptom is a missed period. All other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting usually resolve by end of the first trimester. Lethargy, tiredness are variable and depend on various factors so they may continue throughout the pregnancy.
When pregnancy starts showing?
Pregnancy starts showing at the tummy from 20 weeks in a thin patient and by 24 weeks in a healthy overweight patient.
When pregnancy cravings start?
Pregnancy cravings usually starts by 6 weeks and occasionally earlier.
When pregnancy test shows positive?
A pregnancy test is positive as early as the 15th day after ovulation.
When pregnancy sickness starts?
Pregnancy sickness starts as early as 5 weeks.
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