standard-title Menopause Case Study: LNG-IUS

Menopause Case Study: LNG-IUS

Case 1: (Patient name kept confidential)

Mrs. XYZ, 42-year-old, married with two children 14 and 12 years old, working as a secretary at a corporate office, presented with the heavy flow with clots during periods and shorter cycles for 6 months. She had normal periods until one year ago. For a year there was an increase in blood flow leading to fatigue, lethargy, and anaemia.

She did not have any other illness such as raised blood pressure, diabetes, and was not on any medication. She was using condoms for contraception.

When she visited us, she underwent a detailed examination and pap smear, the report of which was normal. She was advised blood tests and they were normal. The sonography of the pelvis was normal.

In view of her symptoms and normal reports, she was advised to use an LNG-IUS. It was inserted at the end of a period cycle. She was advised to keep a menstrual chart and was given iron and multivitamins.

At the end of 6 months and 1 year she has a considerable reduction in the menstrual flow, the haemoglobin had improved, and she was very happy.

Also Read:

1- Menopause Case Study: Polyp And LNG IUS.

2- Menopause Case Study: Simple Hyperplasia

3- Menopause Case Study: Complex Hyperplasia Hyst

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