standard-title Period Pain Counselling

Period Pain Counselling

Most women will have pain during their periods. The pain is usually a painful spasm or cramp. It is felt in the lower abdomen, back, and thighs. The intensity of the pain may be very variable. It may be a dull discomfort or else it may be severe enough to affect the daily routine of the woman.

A typical period pain will start at the start of the period or a few hours earlier and it usually settles in by day 1 or 2 of the period when the flow of blood begins. This pain happens mainly because the womb is contracting in spasms to open up the neck of the womb. Once it is open and the flow starts, the pain eases away.

This is the typical period pain. It need not cripple you.

How to overcome period pain?

  • One can do some back exercises that help to stretch the back
  • Yoga can be very beneficial
  • Hot fomentation is also soothing
  • A good massage can be very relaxing
  • It is advisable to eat good nutritious food
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • Take adequate rest
  • Take supplements if necessary

Can I take pain killers for period pain?

It is safe to take certain pain killers. Some pain killers are over the counter drugs and can be easily bought from the chemist.

There are certain prescription medicines and at times one may require these too. Therefore we suggest that you make an appointment to see Dr. Sangeeta for the same.

Sometimes period pains occur due to problems in the uterus, tubes, and ovaries. Some of the common causes are an infection, endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts. In this situation, it is possible that the pain will start before the cycle and may last through the cycle and may also continue beyond it.

If the period pains do not respond to the regular measures then we suggest that you take an appointment.

Further, if the pains are associated with other symptoms such as fever, vaginal discharge, irregular and /or heavy flow then you will need a gynecological evaluation to diagnose the cause of the pain.

So do not allow period pains to prevent you from leading your life to the fullest. There is a solution to every problem.

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