
Caring for You, Always

Puberty and Adolescence: A Journey of Growth

Puberty and adolescence mark significant periods in human development, characterized by physical, emotional, and psychological transformations. This guide explores the key features of these stages, their timelines, and the factors influencing them.

What is Puberty?

Puberty is the process through which children develop into sexually mature individuals. It typically occurs between the ages of:

During this phase, individuals experience a range of physical changes:


Several factors can affect the timing and nature of puberty:

Adolescence follows puberty and is generally defined as the period between the ages of 13 and 19. This stage is marked by:

At puberty many changes are happening. These changes happen due to certain hormones that start to appear in the body. They cause body changes and the development of secondary sex characteristics. The first sign is that of breast development. The breast starts to appear like a lump under the nipple and gradually increases in size. There is a rapid increase in height. This is called a growth spurt.  A girl may grow 2 to 4 inches in a year. She also puts on weight and the feminine curve starts to develop. There is growth of hair in the armpit and pubic area. Initially they may be thin and light but slowly they become thick, dark and coarse. 

The appearance of the first period is called menarche. This is like a milestone. This implies that the ovaries are now making an egg each month. At the same time the uterus makes a lining of tissue and blood. If the egg were to get fertilized then it would grow in the uterus. But when it does not get fertilized then the egg and the tissue is shed at the end of the cycle as menstrual blood commonly known as the period.

When you get your period, you should use sanitary napkins ideally. You can use a clean cloth or the tampons. The choice depends on whatever you are comfortable with. Whatever you use you should maintain good hygiene. You must dispose of the used napkins carefully in a dustbin, wrapped in paper bag. In case you are using the cloth then they must be washed properly with soap and water and then allowed to air dry in an open place. Tampons must be changed frequently and disposed properly.

The cycles may be irregular initially. Gradually they become regular. Normally they come every 28 to 30 days and lasts for about 2 to 7 days. During periods one may get mood swings, feel bloated and have period pains. This is commonly called as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) for more information on period pains see the page-. period pains. You can approach Dr Sangeeta for a detailed education session on what is puberty and how best to be prepared for your first period. You can also approach Dr Sangeeta if you have long heavy irregular periods, PMS, too much period pains, facial hair and acne.


Precocious puberty is when pubertal body changes happen earlier than normal. In girls, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before age 8:

In most cases they are no obvious cause for precocious puberty but in some cases it can be due to certain medical conditions that need attention. It is possible that due to precocious puberty the height of the individual is compromised and one may have psychological and social problems. It is advisable to seek medical check in case you have any changes that suggest precocious puberty.