Sex After Menopause

Caring for You, Always


Menopause can lead to sexual problems. The hormonal deprivation (especially of estrogen) after menopause can lead to changes in the woman’s desire for sex. The lack of oestrogen can affect the texture of the vagina making it very dry.

This can make sex very painful. Multiple other factors can influence sex after menopause. For Eg.

The best way to tackle the problem is communication between the partners and counseling ideally by a professional therapist. Foreplay is a very important component during sex to arouse both partners and to lead to satisfaction. It is frequently ignored.

How to treat vaginal dryness after menopause?

The vaginal dryness can be easily treated with water-based lubricants such as KY jelly. It is not advisable to use non-water-soluble lubricants such as Vaseline, as they can weaken the latex of the condoms and can cause accidental unwanted pregnancy.

They also provide a medium for the growth of bacterial infection. Vaginal Oestrogen creams are very effective and safe to use. They do not have the side effects of oral hormonal treatment. Hormone Replacement Therapy is also effective but has to be used after proper assessment of the patient with due consideration to the risks and the benefits.

Eventually, even if Sex is not happening it is important to understand that love affection and companionship are equally important. It is worthwhile spending quality time together and to keep the romance going. Intimacy can be improved with foreplay, change of sexual routine, masturbation, and any activity that both partners enjoy together.

At the bottom of it all, you need to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections at all stages of life. Menopause may protect you from pregnancy but surely does not protect you from STD’s.

Therefore, practice safe sex.