Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life. However, along with all the happiness that it brings, it also brings a few pregnancy symptoms.
These symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. The most common and early signs and symptoms of pregnancy are:
1- Missed Period
This is the most common symptom that you should be aware of. If you have missed your period by one week, it is time for you to consider doing a home pregnancy test.
Read About: When to do a home pregnancy test.
2- Nausea / Vomiting During Pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is a very common condition. It is quite commonly called morning sickness though it can occur at any time of the day.
Read About: What you need to know about nausea/vomiting during pregnancy and tips to manage it well.
3- Tender/Swollen Breasts
During the initial stages of pregnancy, you might feel tender/swollen breasts. This is due to the hormonal changes your body is going through. However, as your pregnancy grows, this might subside.
4- Fatigue During Pregnancy
Fatigue is a common symptom during pregnancy. The degree of fatigue varies considerably from person to person. But generally, women feel more tired than usual during pregnancy.
The fatigue is worst in the first trimester, gets better in the second trimester and then comes back in the last trimester.
Read About: Causes and management of fatigue during pregnancy.
5- Increased Urination
There is increased urination during pregnancy. As the amount of blood in your body increases, it results in your kidneys processing extra fluid which means increased urination.
6- Implantation Bleeding
It is light bleeding from the vagina at the time of due period that happens when the embryo is attaching itself to the uterus. It is not faced by all pregnant women.
Read About: Causes and Management Of Implanation Bleeding
7- Mood Swings
Mood Swings can be another common pregnancy symptom that women might face. This is due to hormonal changes one faces during pregnancy which can result in you being emotional most of the time.
8- Constipation During Pregnancy
Some women complain of constipation as they are pregnant. It is a common symptom of pregnancy and can be again due to hormonal changes that slow down your digestion process.
Read About: Some of the embarrassing pregnancy symptoms and how to deal with them
What to expect during your pregnancy consultation?
Consult Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal: Gynecologist/Pregnancy Consultant in Mumbai, India and manage your pregnancy well with an expert.