Thigh Chafing is a very common complaint amongst women. Thigh Chafing Treatment is possible with a few easy methods.
Thigh Chafing occurs when skin rubs against another skin (as when the thighs rub against each other while walking) and becomes red, inflamed, and irritated. Sometimes it may be very itchy and then can get infected.
Chafing can be extremely irritating and uncomfortable. Walking may become difficult thus affecting your daily routine.
How do I stop my thighs from chafing?
- Wearing loose comfortable cotton clothes so as to prevent friction between the skin of the thighs.
- Keeping the skin moisturized.
Thigh Chafing Treatment With Home Remedies
But once it occurs, most women apply oils (eg. coconut oil), and gels (eg. Aloe vera gel), locally which can soothe for a while but do not treat the problem. Clotrimazole powder or cream can be used and can help relieve the redness, irritation and infection.
Infection is usually fungal but it may soon become a mixed infection.
One would, in that case, need a broad spectrum cream.
If it does not resolve with this then one should see a doctor.